As we pivot with this disruption, our May 2020 event theme could not be more relevant. It is about reimagining. It is about knowing that life is moving, and we need to ensure that everyone is safe while still developing and growing together.
To aid you in your goal to keep yourself and your employees safe and healthy, we want to provide you with ideas on how to lead from home. Remote and virtual working may be new for some of your team members or you as a leader. With our theme of emotional intelligence for our March content, we have some tips on how to successfully work remotely with your teammates for now as well as into the future.
Please keep your physical and mental health safe during this period. Thank you for your continued patience as we finalize plans on our end with our team and content curators.
Leadercast is dedicated to building leaders others will follow by providing solutions, events and resources for individuals, teams, organizations and corporations across all industries. Whether you need tools to lead yourself, your team or your company, Leadercast will guide you on your journey to being a leader worth following.