When it comes to building a network that aligns with your goals, I’ll go so far as to say that you are unlikely to reach those goals without a supporting network.
Not All Relationships Are Created Equal
The biggest mistake that people make is trying to networking with everyone, i.e. not being smart or strategic in who they connect with. If your focus is to walk into a room and make sure everyone gets your business card, you might as well stay home. But if you can instead focus on having a few good conversations, and truly connecting with people, good will flow.
Everyone you know and everyone you meet is differently able and willing to help you. I’m sure you have friends you call when you need an ear, or a shoulder to cry on- and other friends you call when you need a kick in the seat of your pants. Get very clear on what you are asking for and be smart about who you ask. The closer you are with someone, the more you can ask for. The guy behind you in the checkout line at Target is unlikely to care about your goals.